Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution
Search : Alex Newman

Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
"The public schools are totally reorienting children's trust and worldview in a direction that is utterly hostile to the United States of America." ~ Alex Newman
Watch this full interview on our YouTube Channel.
On this exclusive Premiere of the Thinking Dad podcast, host Garritt Hampton and guest Alex Newman, founder of Liberty Sentinel Media, uncover the shocking depths of indoctrination in public schools. Explore the troubling ties between Marxist ideologies and public education, learn about historical experiments that redefined reading instruction with devastating effects, and uncover the global strategy to standardize education. This discussion sheds light on John Dewey's influence, the gradual socialist shift impacting American families, and the strategic role of UNESCO in reshaping global education norms. Learn why the system isn’t just failing—it’s succeeding at its original purpose. Educate yourself about alternatives like homeschooling and what you can do to fight back against the indoctrination of our youth.
The Thinking Dad equips men to think Biblically about family, faith, business, education, and culture. Hosted by Garritt Hampton, each show features the insights of Christian leaders who will inspire and challenge you to lead well, live a life of eternal significance, and leave a worthy legacy. The Thinking Dad is a member of the Biblical Family Network and is sponsored by CTCMath.
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Would you please consider a year-end gift to support the Schoolhouse Rocked ministry?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It, by Alex Newman
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? 🏠📓
🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution 🍿 for FREE today and get the 📖 Homeschool Survival Kit 📖 delivered to your inbox immediately!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast and the Thinking Dad are part of the Biblical Family Network.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
"As Jesus explained, you're either with me or you're against me. Well, apply that to what the UN is doing in the education realm. You'll very quickly realize they are not with Christ, even though they're very open about the fact that they want to inject spirituality, education into everything." ~ Alex Newman
Watch this full interview on our YouTube Channel.
On this exclusive Premiere of the Thinking Dad podcast, host Garritt Hampton and guest Alex Newman, founder of Liberty Sentinel Media, uncover the shocking depths of indoctrination in public schools. Explore the troubling ties between Marxist ideologies and public education, learn about historical experiments that redefined reading instruction with devastating effects, and uncover the global strategy to standardize education. This discussion sheds light on John Dewey's influence, the gradual socialist shift impacting American families, and the strategic role of UNESCO in reshaping global education norms. Learn why the system isn’t just failing—it’s succeeding at its original purpose. Educate yourself about alternatives like homeschooling and what you can do to fight back against the indoctrination of our youth.
The Thinking Dad equips men to think Biblically about family, faith, business, education, and culture. Hosted by Garritt Hampton, each show features the insights of Christian leaders who will inspire and challenge you to lead well, live a life of eternal significance, and leave a worthy legacy. The Thinking Dad is a member of the Biblical Family Network and is sponsored by CTCMath.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this important conversation.
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Would you please consider a year-end gift to support the Schoolhouse Rocked ministry?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It, by Alex Newman
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? 🏠📓
🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution 🍿 for FREE today and get the 📖 Homeschool Survival Kit 📖 delivered to your inbox immediately!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast and the Thinking Dad are part of the Biblical Family Network.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
"This is a new phenomenon. For almost 2000 years of church history, almost everybody understood that education discipleship was not part of the duties of the civil government of Caesar." ~ Alex Newman
Watch this full interview on our YouTube Channel.
On this exclusive Premiere of the Thinking Dad podcast, host Garritt Hampton and guest Alex Newman, founder of Liberty Sentinel Media, uncover the shocking depths of indoctrination in public schools. Explore the troubling ties between Marxist ideologies and public education, learn about historical experiments that redefined reading instruction with devastating effects, and uncover the global strategy to standardize education. This discussion sheds light on John Dewey's influence, the gradual socialist shift impacting American families, and the strategic role of UNESCO in reshaping global education norms. Learn why the system isn’t just failing—it’s succeeding at its original purpose. Educate yourself about alternatives like homeschooling and what you can do to fight back against the indoctrination of our youth.
The Thinking Dad equips men to think Biblically about family, faith, business, education, and culture. Hosted by Garritt Hampton, each show features the insights of Christian leaders who will inspire and challenge you to lead well, live a life of eternal significance, and leave a worthy legacy. The Thinking Dad is a member of the Biblical Family Network and is sponsored by CTCMath.
Come back tomorrow and Thursday for the rest of this important conversation.
*Thinking Dad Season 1 Schedule:
Alex Newman - Death by Indoctrination
Rick Green - Duty, Honor, Country - 5/20
Wil Addison - Raised to be Ready - 6/3
Abraham Hamilton, III - Family, Church, Culture - 6/17
Dr. George Barna - A Legacy of Spiritual Champions - 7/1
Kevin Sorbo - Balancing Work and Family - 7/15
David Bahnsen - Work and the Meaning of Life - 7/29
Brant Hansen - Life is Good (Because God is Good) - 8/12
Israel Wayne - Laying a Foundation of Truth - 8/26
Bob Lepine - Marriage, Manhood, and the Church - 9/9
Andrew Pudewa - Prepared for Persecution - 9/23
Steve Cleary - The Gospel Mission - 10/7
Davis Carman - Modern Day Male - 10/21
Sam Black - Healing the Church - 11/4
*subject to change
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Would you please consider a year-end gift to support the Schoolhouse Rocked ministry?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It, by Alex Newman
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? 🏠📓
🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution 🍿 for FREE today and get the 📖 Homeschool Survival Kit 📖 delivered to your inbox immediately!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast and the Thinking Dad are part of the Biblical Family Network.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
"Returning to family-led education is crucial for regaining peace, prosperity, and liberty in the United States." – Leigh Bortins
Calling all parents, educators, and concerned citizens! Tune in to the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast for an enlightening conversation on the Declaration of Educational Independence. Yvette Hampton invites Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins to share their insights on the urgent need for change in our education system. Uncover the biblical and constitutional principles underlying their call for family-led education, and learn how you can be part of this movement for educational freedom. Don't miss this eye-opening episode that will challenge your perspective and ignite your passion for better education.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Leigh Bortins is the founder and chief visionary officer of Classical Conversations Inc., an organization that models the home-centered learning approach to empower learners of all ages. She trains facilitators dedicated to duplicating her methods and is thereby transforming education and improving the quality of family and community life. Check out Leigh's books here.
More from Leigh Bortins on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more. Check out Alex's books here.
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Discussion Questions For the Series:
How does the concept of education as a family responsibility differ from the prevalent view that it is the government's responsibility?
What are the main arguments made by the speakers against government involvement in education? Do you agree or disagree with these arguments?
In what ways do you think the current education system is failing? Can you provide any personal experiences or examples to support your answer?
What are the potential implications of government funding and control of alternative education options, such as homeschooling?
How do you interpret the biblical and patriotic references made by the speakers in relation to education? Do you believe there is a strong connection between faith and education?
The Declaration of Educational Independence emphasizes the importance of defining principles and goals for education. Do you think this is necessary? Why or why not?
What role do you believe parents should play in their children's education? Do you think they are the most qualified individuals to teach their own children?
How do you think education should be separated from civil government? What steps do you think need to be taken to achieve this separation?
The Declaration of Educational Independence calls for a return to family-led education. How do you think this would impact society as a whole? What benefits or challenges do you foresee?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Sign the Declaration of Educational Independence
HSLDA Grants for Homeschooling
Classical Conversations Scholarship Fund
Ambleside Online (free homeschool curriculum)
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (free homeschool curriculum)
More free homeschool resources for every grade
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? Download your free Homeschool Survival Kit today!
🍿🍿🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for FREE today!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
More information on School Choice:
School Choice: Unmasking the Euphemism (blog post)
What About “School Choice” (blog post)
Rescuing Our Children: An Urgent Call to Take Back Education (blog post)
Support Schoolhouse Rocked!
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
“We have an opportunity to be part of the solution, to restore true choice in education, and to regain liberty and prosperity. It starts with us, with our families, and with our resolve to make a difference." – Alex Newman
Are you concerned about the state of education in America? Join us on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast as Yvette Hampton sits down with Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins to discuss the groundbreaking Declaration of Educational Independence. Dive into their comprehensive research on the history of education, the separation of civil government from education, and why it's crucial for parents to take back control of their children's education. Get inspired to make a difference and sign the Declaration today!
Come back tomorrow for the rest of this important conversation.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Leigh Bortins is the founder and chief visionary officer of Classical Conversations Inc., an organization that models the home-centered learning approach to empower learners of all ages. She trains facilitators dedicated to duplicating her methods and is thereby transforming education and improving the quality of family and community life. Check out Leigh's books here.
More from Leigh Bortins on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more. Check out Alex's books here.
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Discussion Questions For the Series:
How does the concept of education as a family responsibility differ from the prevalent view that it is the government's responsibility?
What are the main arguments made by the speakers against government involvement in education? Do you agree or disagree with these arguments?
In what ways do you think the current education system is failing? Can you provide any personal experiences or examples to support your answer?
What are the potential implications of government funding and control of alternative education options, such as homeschooling?
How do you interpret the biblical and patriotic references made by the speakers in relation to education? Do you believe there is a strong connection between faith and education?
The Declaration of Educational Independence emphasizes the importance of defining principles and goals for education. Do you think this is necessary? Why or why not?
What role do you believe parents should play in their children's education? Do you think they are the most qualified individuals to teach their own children?
How do you think education should be separated from civil government? What steps do you think need to be taken to achieve this separation?
The Declaration of Educational Independence calls for a return to family-led education. How do you think this would impact society as a whole? What benefits or challenges do you foresee?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Sign the Declaration of Educational Independence
HSLDA Grants for Homeschooling
Classical Conversations Scholarship Fund
Ambleside Online (free homeschool curriculum)
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (free homeschool curriculum)
More free homeschool resources for every grade
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? Download your free Homeschool Survival Kit today!
🍿🍿🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for FREE today!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
More information on School Choice:
School Choice: Unmasking the Euphemism (blog post)
What About “School Choice” (blog post)
Rescuing Our Children: An Urgent Call to Take Back Education (blog post)
Support Schoolhouse Rocked!
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
"Education, which is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to the other, is the natural and proper jurisdiction of family government and not of civil government." — Leigh Bortins
Yvette Hampton engages in a dynamic conversation with Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins about the Declaration of Educational Independence. Discover their powerful arguments against government involvement in education, the biblical basis for family-led education, and the urgent need to redefine our educational system. Join us as we explore the principles that can guide us towards true educational freedom. This series is a critical primer for those interested in the school choice movement.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this important conversation.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Leigh Bortins is the founder and chief visionary officer of Classical Conversations Inc., an organization that models the home-centered learning approach to empower learners of all ages. She trains facilitators dedicated to duplicating her methods and is thereby transforming education and improving the quality of family and community life. Check out Leigh's books here.
More from Leigh Bortins on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more. Check out Alex's books here.
More from Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Discussion Questions For the Series:
How does the concept of education as a family responsibility differ from the prevalent view that it is the government's responsibility?
What are the main arguments made by the speakers against government involvement in education? Do you agree or disagree with these arguments?
In what ways do you think the current education system is failing? Can you provide any personal experiences or examples to support your answer?
What are the potential implications of government funding and control of alternative education options, such as homeschooling?
How do you interpret the biblical and patriotic references made by the speakers in relation to education? Do you believe there is a strong connection between faith and education?
The Declaration of Educational Independence emphasizes the importance of defining principles and goals for education. Do you think this is necessary? Why or why not?
What role do you believe parents should play in their children's education? Do you think they are the most qualified individuals to teach their own children?
How do you think education should be separated from civil government? What steps do you think need to be taken to achieve this separation?
The Declaration of Educational Independence calls for a return to family-led education. How do you think this would impact society as a whole? What benefits or challenges do you foresee?
Recommended Resources:
Podcast Note-Taking Guide
Sign the Declaration of Educational Independence
HSLDA Grants for Homeschooling
Classical Conversations Scholarship Fund
Ambleside Online (free homeschool curriculum)
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool (free homeschool curriculum)
More free homeschool resources for every grade
📚📖 Ready to start homeschooling? Download your free Homeschool Survival Kit today!
🍿🍿🍿 Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for FREE today!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Are you in need of a fresh vision for your homeschool? Join us for 4 days of Homeschool Encouragement at the Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Use the coupon code PODCAST to save 25% on registration today!
More information on School Choice:
School Choice: Unmasking the Euphemism (blog post)
What About “School Choice” (blog post)
Rescuing Our Children: An Urgent Call to Take Back Education (blog post)
Support Schoolhouse Rocked!
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
Connect with us:
@schoolhouse_rocked on Instagram
Schoolhouse Rocked on Facebook
Schoolhouse Rocked on YouTube
@SRHomeschool on Twitter
Schoolhouse Rocked Website (Blog, Newsletter, Support, Store, Movie, and More!)

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Alex Newman, joins Yvette Hampton to expose the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of America’s children by government schools.
You will not want to miss this inside look at the public education machine, from the co-author of the groundbreaking book, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, which Alex wrote with Samuel Blumenfeld.
This interview was originally broadcast live for the 2023 Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Join us for this online conference and get immediate access to over 55 hours of homeschooling encouragement and instruction for just $20!
Come next Monday for another great conversation with Aby Rinella.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more.
Watch Alex Newman’s 2023 session, “Rescuing Our Children.”
More from Alex Newman:
Education: The Key to Saving Our Nation – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Fighting For Our Children – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Connect with Alex Newman:
Read Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
It's not too late to enjoy the Homegrown Generation Family Expo - now at a new, lower price! Register today for lifetime access to every session - and BONUS access to the 2020 conference - all for just $20.
Register at
Support Schoolhouse Rocked!
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
Connect with us:

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Alex Newman, joins Yvette Hampton to expose the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of America’s children by government schools.
You will not want to miss this inside look at the public education machine, from the co-author of the groundbreaking book, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, which Alex wrote with Samuel Blumenfeld.
This interview was originally broadcast live for the 2023 Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Join us for this online conference and get immediate access to over 55 hours of homeschooling encouragement and instruction for just $20!
Come back tomorrow for the rest of this important conversation.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more.
Watch Alex Newman’s 2023 session, “Rescuing Our Children.”
More from Alex Newman:
Education: The Key to Saving Our Nation – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Fighting For Our Children – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Connect with Alex Newman:
Read Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
It's not too late to enjoy the Homegrown Generation Family Expo - now at a new, lower price! Register today for lifetime access to every session - and BONUS access to the 2020 conference - all for just $20.
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Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
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Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Alex Newman, joins Yvette Hampton to expose the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of America’s children by government schools.
You will not want to miss this inside look at the public education machine, from the co-author of the groundbreaking book, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, which Alex wrote with Samuel Blumenfeld.
This interview was originally broadcast live for the 2023 Homegrown Generation Family Expo. Join us for this online conference and get immediate access to over 55 hours of homeschooling encouragement and instruction for just $20!
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this important conversation.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more.
Watch Alex Newman’s 2023 session, “Rescuing Our Children.”
More from Alex Newman:
Education: The Key to Saving Our Nation – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Fighting For Our Children – Alex Newman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Connect with Alex Newman:
Read Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman
It's not too late to enjoy the Homegrown Generation Family Expo - now at a new, lower price! Register today for lifetime access to every session - and BONUS access to the 2020 conference - all for just $20.
Register at
Support Schoolhouse Rocked!
Has the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast been a blessing to you? Support from our listeners allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Please consider donating to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Be the most popular mom in your co-op. Get your Schoolhouse Rocked merch here.
CTCMath - CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Start your free trial today.
BJU Press Homeschool provides complete curriculum for preschool through 12th grade with both traditional textbooks and video courses available. Education from a Christian worldview reshapes how children see the world. BJU Press materials teach Christ's power and lordship through the Big Story of creation.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Apologia – Apologia is a Christ-centered, award-winning homeschool curriculum provider. Our mission is to help homeschooling students and families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith through our print and digital curriculum and online classes.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast is proud to be a member of the Christian Podcast Community.
Connect with us:

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion? In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens, Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion? In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens, Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion? In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens, Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
What does education have to do with the future of our nation? Isn't education simply about teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic? More and more, we are seeing the consequences of the radical indoctrination of our government schools, yet more than 85 percent of American children (and more than 80 percent of children from Christian households) are still being sent there for their education.
Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella finish their conversation with Alex Newman, President at the Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc., about the insanity that has overtaken the public school system and what we can do about it.
If you believe in homeschooling, please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Shop for Schoolhouse Rocked Merchandise
Without the support of the homeschool community we could not produce The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch the video of this full interview with Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad including the Epoch Times, The New American, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, WND (World Net Daily), FreedomProject Media, and many more. He also serves as executive director for Public School Exit, a ministry to rescue children from government schools. One of his major works was an exposé of government schools with internationally renowned Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld called Crimes of the Educators published by WND Books, endorsed by conservative leaders ranging from Phyllis Schlafly to Ron Paul. Last year, he travelled across the United States for the “Rescuing Our Children” speaking tour urging parents to get their children out of public school. Alex has appeared on hundreds of TV shows including Newsmax, One America News, the Dove Network, the Christian Television Network, the SonLife Broadcasting Network, and many more. In addition, he serves on several advisory boards for education-focused organizations, including U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE), the Nehemiah Institute, and the Samuel L. Blumenfeld Foundation for Literacy. For the last seven years, Alex has also been teaching advanced economics to some of America’s brightest high-school seniors through FreedomProject Academy, an accredited K-12 Christian school offering a classical education to students worldwide. Alex and his wife homeschool their 4 children.
Recommended Resources:
Alex Newman - Rescuing our Children Video
Rescuing our Children Special Report
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the 2020 Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
Homeschool History is a new online resource from the team at Notgrass History. You can use your phone, tablet, or computer to find history-related videos, games, websites, field trips, and more.
Does it feel like you spend more time searching for educational videos than watching them? Are you looking for educational games and activity books? Do you need some virtual field trips to supplement your studies? Then Homeschool History is for you!
Visit to start your free trial today.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
What does education have to do with the future of our nation? Isn't education simply about teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic? More and more, we are seeing the consequences of the radical indoctrination of our government schools, yet more than 85 percent of American children (and more than 80 percent of children from Christian households) are still being sent there for their education.
Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella talk with Alex Newman, President at the Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc., about the insanity that has overtaken the public school system and what we can do about it.
If you believe in homeschooling, please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Shop for Schoolhouse Rocked Merchandise
Without the support of the homeschool community we could not produce The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch the video of this full interview with Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad including the Epoch Times, The New American, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, WND (World Net Daily), FreedomProject Media, and many more. He also serves as executive director for Public School Exit, a ministry to rescue children from government schools. One of his major works was an exposé of government schools with internationally renowned Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld called Crimes of the Educators published by WND Books, endorsed by conservative leaders ranging from Phyllis Schlafly to Ron Paul. Last year, he travelled across the United States for the “Rescuing Our Children” speaking tour urging parents to get their children out of public school. Alex has appeared on hundreds of TV shows including Newsmax, One America News, the Dove Network, the Christian Television Network, the SonLife Broadcasting Network, and many more. In addition, he serves on several advisory boards for education-focused organizations, including U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE), the Nehemiah Institute, and the Samuel L. Blumenfeld Foundation for Literacy. For the last seven years, Alex has also been teaching advanced economics to some of America’s brightest high-school seniors through FreedomProject Academy, an accredited K-12 Christian school offering a classical education to students worldwide. Alex and his wife homeschool their 4 children.
Recommended Resources:
Alex Newman - Rescuing our Children Video
Rescuing our Children Special Report
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the 2020 Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
Notgrass History helps history LEARNERS become history MAKERS. All Notgrass History curriculum combines narrative lessons, historical novels and biographies, activities for a variety of learning styles, and, most importantly, a Christian worldview. Notgrass History is great for all ages. Visit and download the first three units for free.