Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution



Monday Aug 30, 2021

Homeschooling can be hard. It can be harder when life is complicated. And, it can be even harder for a single parent. Especially one who works to help provide for their family. In this episode, Yvette Hampton talks with Schoolhouse Rocked cast member, Mary Jo Tate, a veteran single homeschool mom of 4 and author of the book Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms. Mary Jo brings encouragement and advice from years of personal experience and seeing the mighty hand of God at work in her life.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this conversation.
Support Schoolhouse Rocked
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Mary Jo Tate is a mother of 4 boys, whom she homeschooled for 23 years – 19 of those as a single mom. An international book coach and book editor for 35 years, she has learned to balance motherhood, home business, homeschooling, and teaching online literature classes, and she loves to share her secrets with other moms.
Recommended Resources:
Purchase Mary Jo Tate’s book here: 
KINDLE Version: Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms
PRINT Version: Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms – Mary Jo’s Facebook page – encouragement and advice for busy moms – information about Mary Jo’s online literature classes for high schoolers and adults; advice and resources for readers and book lovers – Mary Jo’s Facebook page – a place where avid readers and bibliophiles can discuss our shared love of books
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Mary Jo Tate, Single Parents, Single Homeschool mom, Divorce, Author, Editor, Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms, Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Cast and Crew, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution, Homeschool Movie, Homeschool Documentary

Thursday Aug 26, 2021

At the start of each calendar year, we celebrate new beginnings with hope, anticipation, and excitement. The start of a new homeschool year should be no different. We once again have an opportunity to spend this school year speaking life and truth into the hearts of our children.
Be encouraged as Yvette Hampton talks with homeschool veteran and Schoolhouse Rocked cast member, Rachael Carman. Even if you are feeling overwhelmed and alone, they will help you to remember why you are doing this, focus on your goals and vision for your family, and give you the assurance you need to start strong and finish well.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this conversation.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Hymns for Family Worship Book by Steve Demme
Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction by David Macaulay
Castle by David Macaulay
Recommended Music:
Peace Like A River The Hymns Project by Chris Rice
Hymns Of Worship by Fernando Ortega
Yvette’s favorite hymns by Shane and Shane
Hymns Live by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 1 by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 2 by Shane & Shane
Marriage Matters, Rachael Carman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Rachael Carman had it going on—or so she thought. After surviving sixty-three months of pregnancy, countless sleepless nights, and 35,000+ diapers, this one-time control freak encountered God’s grace. And she encourages you to do the same! 
In her books How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? and How to Have a HEART for Your Kids, Rachael challenges mothers to surrender their will and draw closer to their heavenly Father. She invites moms to join her in loving God passionately and worshiping him fully while sweeping up Cheerios, doing laundry, and planning dinner. You will be affirmed in your role as a mother as Rachael speaks of her struggles with perfectionism and impatience and shares her challenges, failures, and victories amid the ever-changing seasons of life. Her honesty will surprise you, and her humor will put you at ease. 
Rachael is not only a respected author but is also a sought-after speaker. She has been a speaker in over thirty states and seven countries. 
She has been married to her husband, Davis, since 1986. They have seven kids with whom they love to laugh. Together, their life has been a roller-coaster ride, with God at the controls. Rachael enjoys playing in the dirt, eating dark chocolate, and walking on the beach. She and Davis are the owners of Apologia Educational Ministries.
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Rachael Carman, Apologia, Curriculum, Back to School, New Year, New School Year, Teaching

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021

At the start of each calendar year, we celebrate new beginnings with hope, anticipation, and excitement. The start of a new homeschool year should be no different. We once again have an opportunity to spend this school year speaking life and truth into the hearts of our children.
Be encouraged as Yvette Hampton talks with homeschool veteran and Schoolhouse Rocked cast member, Rachael Carman. Even if you are feeling overwhelmed and alone, they will help you to remember why you are doing this, focus on your goals and vision for your family, and give you the assurance you need to start strong and finish well.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this conversation.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Hymns for Family Worship Book by Steve Demme
Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction by David Macaulay
Castle by David Macaulay
Recommended Music:
Peace Like A River The Hymns Project by Chris Rice
Hymns Of Worship by Fernando Ortega
Yvette’s favorite hymns by Shane and Shane
Hymns Live by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 1 by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 2 by Shane & Shane
Marriage Matters, Rachael Carman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Rachael Carman had it going on—or so she thought. After surviving sixty-three months of pregnancy, countless sleepless nights, and 35,000+ diapers, this one-time control freak encountered God’s grace. And she encourages you to do the same! 
In her books How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? and How to Have a HEART for Your Kids, Rachael challenges mothers to surrender their will and draw closer to their heavenly Father. She invites moms to join her in loving God passionately and worshiping him fully while sweeping up Cheerios, doing laundry, and planning dinner. You will be affirmed in your role as a mother as Rachael speaks of her struggles with perfectionism and impatience and shares her challenges, failures, and victories amid the ever-changing seasons of life. Her honesty will surprise you, and her humor will put you at ease. 
Rachael is not only a respected author but is also a sought-after speaker. She has been a speaker in over thirty states and seven countries. 
She has been married to her husband, Davis, since 1986. They have seven kids with whom they love to laugh. Together, their life has been a roller-coaster ride, with God at the controls. Rachael enjoys playing in the dirt, eating dark chocolate, and walking on the beach. She and Davis are the owners of Apologia Educational Ministries.
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Rachael Carman, Apologia, Curriculum, Back to School, New Year, New School Year, Teaching

Monday Aug 23, 2021

At the start of each calendar year, we celebrate new beginnings with hope, anticipation, and excitement. The start of a new homeschool year should be no different. We once again have an opportunity to spend this school year speaking life and truth into the hearts of our children.
Be encouraged as Yvette Hampton talks with homeschool veteran and Schoolhouse Rocked cast member, Rachael Carman. Even if you are feeling overwhelmed and alone, they will help you to remember why you are doing this, focus on your goals and vision for your family, and give you the assurance you need to start strong and finish well.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Hymns for Family Worship Book by Steve Demme
Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction by David Macaulay
Castle by David Macaulay
Recommended Music:
Peace Like A River The Hymns Project by Chris Rice
Hymns Of Worship by Fernando Ortega
Yvette’s favorite hymns by Shane and Shane
Hymns Live by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 1 by Shane & Shane
Hymns, Vol. 2 by Shane & Shane
Marriage Matters, Rachael Carman on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast
Rachael Carman had it going on—or so she thought. After surviving sixty-three months of pregnancy, countless sleepless nights, and 35,000+ diapers, this one-time control freak encountered God’s grace. And she encourages you to do the same! 
In her books How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? and How to Have a HEART for Your Kids, Rachael challenges mothers to surrender their will and draw closer to their heavenly Father. She invites moms to join her in loving God passionately and worshiping him fully while sweeping up Cheerios, doing laundry, and planning dinner. You will be affirmed in your role as a mother as Rachael speaks of her struggles with perfectionism and impatience and shares her challenges, failures, and victories amid the ever-changing seasons of life. Her honesty will surprise you, and her humor will put you at ease. 
Rachael is not only a respected author but is also a sought-after speaker. She has been a speaker in over thirty states and seven countries. 
She has been married to her husband, Davis, since 1986. They have seven kids with whom they love to laugh. Together, their life has been a roller-coaster ride, with God at the controls. Rachael enjoys playing in the dirt, eating dark chocolate, and walking on the beach. She and Davis are the owners of Apologia Educational Ministries.
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Rachael Carman, Apologia, Curriculum, Back to School, New Year, New School Year, Teaching

Thursday Aug 19, 2021

This week we are celebrating 300 episodes of the Schoolhouse Rocked podcast with three very special conversations in our "Meet the Cast" series. Today, you get to meet Yvette Hampton's youngest daughter, Lacey. Homeschooled since kindergarten, Lacey is now in 5th grade.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Listen to "The Ministry of Motherhood" on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast.
Watch "The Ministry of Motherhood" on YouTube.
Yvette Hampton is a homeschool mom through and through, but it wasn't supposed to be this way. Like so many other homeschoolers, Yvette and her husband, Garritt, said they would NEVER homeschool their kids, but God had other plans. Yvette is the producer and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution, being directed by her husband, Garritt Hampton. As a mom who is concerned for the future of this generation and the future of our country, Yvette has a deep passion to see a culture shift by encouraging people through the truth of God’s Word. Her greatest joy in life is being a wife and mom!
In the fall of 2016, she and her family sold their home and almost all of their possessions, loaded up in an RV, and began traveling the country to film Schoolhouse Rocked. They have a passion for the homeschool community and are humbled and honored that the Lord has called them to tell the stories of the millions of families who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. 
Yvette and Garritt have been married since 1995. They have two daughters, Brooklyn and Lacey, who they have homeschooled since the very beginning. 
To see the Schoolhouse Rocked movie trailer and find out more visit
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Brooklyn Hampton, Film Making, Filmmaking, Film, Documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked, Cast and Crew, Student, High School, Homeschool High School, Sophomore, Girl, Sister, Daughter

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

This week we are celebrating 300 episodes of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast with three very special conversations in our "Meet the Cast" series. Today, you get to meet Yvette Hampton's oldest daughter, Brooklyn. Homeschooled since kindergarten, Brooklyn is now in her Sophomore year of high school.
Come back tomorrow to meet Brooklyn's sister Lacey!
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Recommended Resources:
Listen to "The Ministry of Motherhood" on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast.
Watch "The Ministry of Motherhood" on YouTube.
Yvette Hampton is a homeschool mom through and through, but it wasn't supposed to be this way. Like so many other homeschoolers, Yvette and her husband, Garritt, said they would NEVER homeschool their kids, but God had other plans. Yvette is the producer and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution, being directed by her husband, Garritt Hampton. As a mom who is concerned for the future of this generation and the future of our country, Yvette has a deep passion to see a culture shift by encouraging people through the truth of God’s Word. Her greatest joy in life is being a wife and mom!
In the fall of 2016, she and her family sold their home and almost all of their possessions, loaded up in an RV, and began traveling the country to film Schoolhouse Rocked. They have a passion for the homeschool community and are humbled and honored that the Lord has called them to tell the stories of the millions of families who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. 
Yvette and Garritt have been married since 1995. They have two daughters, Brooklyn and Lacey, who they have homeschooled since the very beginning. 
To see the Schoolhouse Rocked movie trailer and find out more visit
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Brooklyn Hampton, Film Making, Filmmaking, Film, Documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked, Cast and Crew, Student, High School, Homeschool High School, Sophomore, Girl, Sister, Daughter

Monday Aug 16, 2021

This week we are celebrating 300 episodes of the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast with three very special conversations in our "Meet the Cast" series. Today, you get to meet the director of Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution! Yvette Hampton interviews her husband  and the director of Schoolhouse Rocked, Garritt Hampton.
Come back Wednesday to meet Brooklyn Hampton and Thursday to meet Lacey Hampton!
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Listen to Garritt's first appearance on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast - the first episode ever!
Education: Does God Have an Opinion?, by Israel Wayne
Connect with Garritt:
Garritt Hampton on Facebook
Garritt Hampton on Parler
Garritt Hampton on MeWe
Garritt is an entertainment industry veteran who got his start in the record industry before moving into film. His credits include some of the biggest movies of the last decade, including Interstellar, Furious 7, TRON: Legacy, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and many more. He is passionate about using his talents to build up the family and glorify God. 
Yvette is a homeschool mom through and through, but it wasn't supposed to be this way. Like so many other homeschoolers, Yvette and her husband, Garritt, said they would NEVER homeschool their kids, but God had other plans. Yvette is the producer and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution, being directed by her husband, Garritt Hampton. As a mom who is concerned for the future of this generation and the future of our country, Yvette has a deep passion to see a culture shift by encouraging people through the truth of God’s Word. Her greatest joy in life is being a wife and mom!
In the fall of 2016, she and her family sold their home and almost all of their possessions, loaded up in an RV, and began traveling the country to film Schoolhouse Rocked. They have a passion for the homeschool community and are humbled and honored that the Lord has called them to tell the stories of the millions of families who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. 
Yvette and Garritt have been married since 1995. They have two daughters, Brooklyn and Lacey, who they have homeschooled since the very beginning. 
To see the Schoolhouse Rocked movie trailer and find out more visit
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Garritt Hampton, Director, Film Making, Filmmaking, Film, Documentary, Directing, Schoolhouse Rocked, Cast and Crew

Thursday Aug 12, 2021

What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion?  In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021

What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion?  In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Monday Aug 09, 2021

What’s really going on in the public schools and why is it happening? Are they really after our children or is that just an illusion?  In light of these issues, what is the responsibility of parents, Christians, and the church? Yvette Hampton is joined by Alex Newman, homeschool dad, journalist, professor, and Executive Director of Public School Exit to talk about these things.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Recommended Resources:
Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with GodBy Voddie Baucham, Jr. / Crossway
Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne
Connect with Alex:
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Alex Newman, Culture, The New American, Liberty Sentinel, Public Schools

Thursday Aug 05, 2021

Homeschool families are certainly not exempt from the pressures and influence of pop culture. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella talk with Counter Culture Mom, Tina Griffin, as she exposes the lies and reveals the truth about pop culture and the entertainment industry. Tina is a Christian homeschool mom and former Hollywood actress.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Find Tina here: Counter Culture Mom
Links mentioned:
FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE, text “Guide” to 55444
Hollywood Prayer Network
Gabb Watch: Use code “Tina” for $30 off
Book recommendation:
The Naked Communist, by W. Cleon Skousen
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Hollywood, Culture, Tina Griffin, Counter Culture Mom, Parenting, Entertainment, Fashion, Music,Movies, TV, Television, Stars

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021

Homeschool families are certainly not exempt from the pressures and influence of pop culture. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella talk with Counter Culture Mom, Tina Griffin, as she exposes the lies and reveals the truth about pop culture and the entertainment industry. Tina is a Christian homeschool mom and former Hollywood actress.
Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Find Tina here: Counter Culture Mom
Links mentioned:
FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE, text “Guide” to 55444
Hollywood Prayer Network
Gabb Watch: Use code “Tina” for $30 off
Book recommendation:
The Naked Communist, by W. Cleon Skousen
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Hollywood, Culture, Tina Griffin, Counter Culture Mom, Parenting, Entertainment, Fashion, Music,Movies, TV, Television, Stars

Monday Aug 02, 2021

Homeschool families are certainly not exempt from the pressures and influence of pop culture. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Aby Rinella talk with Counter Culture Mom, Tina Griffin, as she exposes the lies and reveals the truth about pop culture and the entertainment industry. Tina is a Christian homeschool mom and former Hollywood actress.
Come back Wednesday and Thursday for the rest of this discussion.
Partner with us!
Has Schoolhouse Rocked been a blessing to you? Do you want to help bring the movie to theaters across the country? We need your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Schoolhouse Rocked.
Support from the homeschool community allows us provide resources, support, and encouragement to homeschooling families around the world. Whether or not you can donate, we ask that EVERY listener support the show by sharing it with your friends and family, by leaving a review on iTunes, and by praying for our team.
Watch this full conversation on our YouTube channel.
Find Tina here: Counter Culture Mom
Links mentioned:
FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE, text “Guide” to 55444
Hollywood Prayer Network
Gabb Watch: Use code “Tina” for $30 off
Book recommendation:
The Naked Communist, by W. Cleon Skousen
If you are considering homeschooling or just need some great homeschooling encouragement, please check out for over 9 hours of FREE homeschool videos from the Homegrown Generation Family Expo.
New, lower price! FULL ACCESS to the Homegrown Generation Family Expo is just $10!
Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and thank them for helping to bring you The Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. We ONLY work with companies we know and love! We happily recommend these companies and their products.
Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes in providing online video tutorials that take a multi-sensory approach to learning. Creative graphics and animation, synchronized with the friendly voice of internationally acclaimed teacher, Pat Murray, make learning math easy and effective. Visit today to start your free trial today.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) equips teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers. Using the Structure and Style™ writing method, IEW will give you the ability to fill young minds with language-building skills, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of excellent writing.
Classical Conversations leads the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning so that they can discover God's created order and beauty. Share the love of learning through a Christian worldview and fellowship with other families. Our families thrive using three keys to a great education: Classical, Christian, and Community.
Podcast Topics: Homeschool, Education, Parenting, Family, Parenting, Teens,  Biblical Parenting, Christian Parenting, Hollywood, Culture, Tina Griffin, Counter Culture Mom, Parenting, Entertainment, Fashion, Music,Movies, TV, Television, Stars

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